2022-23 OSHS Band Officer Audition Info
Make sure you have completed the 2022-23 Band Officer Interest Survey
- Our senior Drum Majors and Visual Captains will be running clinics for anyone wanting help preparing for the May 5 auditions. If you have conflicts, talk to them directly and they may be able to help you at other times.
- Audition Interviews will be held before school, after school, during Seminar, etc. the week of April 25 and May 2. Students will need to sign up for an available time.
- The live audition date is Thursday, May 5 right after school. We will start with the marching portion (Section Leader, Visual Captain, and Drum Majors), then do body visual (Visual Captain), and end with conducting (Drum Majors). After you are finished with the audition portions you need to do, you will be free to go.
- Students that have a conflict with May 5 need to contact Mr. Coughlin to put an alternate plan in place.
Section Leader
- You will not need to submit any type of music audition for Section Leader...the directors will use their knowledge of your playing skills and responsibility with checkoffs/playing tests for consideration.
- You need to complete an officer interview by Thursday, May 5. You will likely be asked questions about how you would approach practicing and working with others on sections of the show music as part of your interview.
- You will need to participate in the marching portion of the live auditions on May 5 or make other arrangements to demonstrate your marching technique. This will be similar to the "traffic" exercise where you will show your forward march, backward march, and flanking/slide technique. While Visual Captains are primarily responsible for teaching visual elements, Section Leaders must be able to model good marching technique.
Visual Captain
- You will need to participate in the marching portion of the live auditions on May 5 or make other arrangements to demonstrate your marching technique if you have a conflict with that date. This will be similar to the "traffic" exercise where you will show your forward march, backward march, and flanking/slide technique.
- You need to complete an officer interview by Thursday, May 5. You will likely be asked questions about how you would approach learning and working with others on marching fundamentals and/or body visuals.
- During the May 5 live auditions you will perform the audition Body Visual along with the audio track. The instructional video to learn the visual and the audio track you need to use for the video are below.
Body Visual Instruction - file in Google Drive
Body Visual Click Track - for audition
Marching Auditions
Drum Major
- You will need to participate in the marching portion of the live auditions on May 5 or make other arrangements to demonstrate your marching technique if you have a conflict with that date. This will be similar to the "traffic" exercise where you will show your forward march, backward march, and flanking/slide technique. You will lead a portion of the traffic exercise (set the block, call to attention, give instructions, begin and end exercise)
- You need to complete an officer interview by Thursday, May 5. You will likely be asked questions about how you would approach the jobs asked of the Drum Majors.
- You will conduct to the audio recording below during the live auditions on May 5. We will be looking for clarity of pattern, poise, clear pulse, and other aspects of good student conducting.
Audition Audio File
- You can either use the streaming audio or download the MP3
- There are 3 sections...medium tempo, fast, and slow. There are some measures of 5/4 in the fast section that should be conducted in an asymmetric 4-pattern as we have done in rehearsals.
- For the audition
- Give a horns up
- When the music starts you can take second to find the beat and pulse before you start conducting
- At the end of a section, stop conducting and then find the new pulse and beat
- At the end of the slow section give a cutoff, a horns down, salute, present the band, then bow
- Give a horns up