Shifting to Hybrid School
The resources on this page are intended to provide some info for students and parents to help with the transition to Hybrid mode for school on Monday, October 19.
Documents that explain how Band will work in Hybrid
From the Student Perspective - The first page of the PDF explains how the Band class will work from the perspective of the student based on whether they are registered as In-Person, assigned to AM or PM in-person attendance, or fully Remote. You should only look at the section that applies to you.
From the Schedule Perspective - The second page of the PDF lays out the schedule of classes and explains what each type of learner will be doing related to their Band class at different times of the day. |
Olathe South Hybrid Learning Bell Schedule - click to open/download
Getting to the Band Room |
How will Band work in Hybrid? |
On the first day Concert Band meets (Tue, Oct 20), we are going to have students put their instruments in the hall areas outside the Band Room when they arrive at school. We will have lockers assigned for their use that we will have them put instruments in at the end of 3rd hour. The directors will be in the hall before school to help with the process. The video below is kind of a "video tour" to help you get to the Band area that first day.
The video below is similar to what we presented to all of the Band classes the week of October 12 in class. This explains how things will work when we start Hybrid the week of October 19. It may be good for parents to view this to have a better grasp on what will be happening and when for their students.